a. Payroll Processing
Timely payment of salary to employees motivates employees and therebyincreases their productivity
and loyalty towards the organization. We assist ourclient in preparation of monthly salary sheet, pay
slip and other benefits that theorganization pay for so that the salary can be delivered in due time.
b. Business Valuation
Our business valuation experts bring extensive experience which helps our clients to understand the
various factors that influence the business valuation which brings credibility & clarity to the complex
valuation issues.
c. Due Diligence
Study of the project before injection of investment is crucial aspect for investment decision. Our
expertise assists our clients in understanding the complexities and factors to be considered for the
investment decision. Our process includes investigating the historical data and the future forecasted
resultof the entity.
d. Merger & Acquisition
Organizations grow through mergers and acquisitions. Study of the business andmarket is important
aspect. Impact of taxation and various laws on account of such mergers and acquisitions are
thoroughly reviewed an suggested to our clients. Pre and post mergers implications and implications
throughout the mergers and acquisition process are handled with the expertise knowledge.
e. Joint Ventures
Tax implications and other business complexities arising out of joint ventures are bridged through the
expertise knowledge of our team.